Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Learning new things

I think part of what makes me tick is learning new things and relearning things I knew in the past.  I have started crocheting.  I learned how when I was about 10, but it never really caught on.  Recently I have started again.  I have made one blanket, but it didn't turn out big enough for me.  So I gave it to DD.  and she loves it.

I have also been cross-stitching off and on for the past 15 years or so.  I dropped it for a while, but have recently started again.  I have soooo many projects that are started, but not complete.  I have decided to work on one at a time and when I finish one, then I will start again on another.  And so on, and so on.  I will post pictures as I complete the projects.  I'm not sure I can remember to post pictures as I go.

I also have been enjoying learning about photoshop.  Even though I don't do a lot of photo stuff in it, I have learned how to be creative and create scrapbooking things in it.  Digital scrapbooking is really taking off, and I want to add my touch to the scrapping world.  I just need to organize what I have and see what to do with it.  I also need to keep getting inspired by all the neat stuff out there and put my own twist on it.  Thanks to Al at  Action FX (, I have gotten alot of brushes, shapes, etc. to help me along the way.  Now I am a little overwhelmed by all the things he has, but as I get through a little at a time, I will learn to use the cool stuff he has created.  He is making my life a lot easier and I owe him ALOT of credit.  If I ever get a store up and running for digital scrapbooking, I will be sure to thank him a million times over and give him a link on every page.

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